Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Canada work permit rules

The latest announcement from the Canadian government is one of "new rules to strengthen Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program".

These changes are not due to be implemented until April 2011 but will include;

•a more rigorous assessment of the genuineness of the job offer

•a two-year prohibition from hiring temporary foreign workers for employers who fail to meet their commitments to workers with respect to wages, working conditions and occupation

•a limit on the length of time a temporary foreign worker may work in Canada before returning home

Already, we have noticed that the economic situation in Canada over the last 1 - 2 years has lead to much closer scrutiny for LMOs (the first step of a work permit).

This scrutiny has been largely on the genuine efforts to recruit Canadian workers. We welcome closer scrutiny of the employer meeting their obligations for wages and working conditions.

For more information on working in Canada, see


Thursday, 26 August 2010

new UK immigration figures

The Office of National Statistics have released figures on UK immigration and they make for some interesting reading.

Overall net migration to the UK increased in 2009. Although the total number of people arriving fell by 4 % the number leaving fell by 13 %, leading to an overall net increase.

Successful applications for settlement increased by 37% between June 2009 and June 2010. The number of visas issued to students also went up by 35% to 362,015.

The figures show a fall in the number of work-related visas being issued - this is of course largely due to the recession and the weaker pound, making the UK a less attractive labour market for migrants.

So, while overall numbers of arrivals are falling, the increase in the number of student visas may lead to tougher restrictions in the future. The student entry route and then the 2 year Post Study Work visa, provides a route for many students to remain in the UK. It will be interesting to see what policy changes these figures may bring, if any.

Are you looking for a UK visa in any of the following categories; Tier 1, Tier 2, then please contact us through our website


Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Australia - the uncertainty continues......

The General Election in Australia on Saturday has produced a "hung" parliament which only results in continued uncertainty for migrants.

Both the ruling Labor party and the opposition conservative coalition have fallen short of the 76 seats needed for a majority. Negotiations will now start with independent MPs to secure support to form a government.

For the moment, the Labor party remains in power with Julia Gillard remaining as Prime Minister.

For more information, see


We hope a new government can be formed quickly that will be stable enough to implement a long term immigration strategy. Anything else makes it difficult for migrants to plan ahead in any knowledge of when their application can be processed.

Fingers crossed for some positive news soon



Wednesday, 18 August 2010

new government in Australia ?

Voters in Australia go to the polls on Saturday in a General Election.

Recent opinions polls seem to suggest a change of government is on the cards. The opposition leader of the Liberals - Tony Abbott is said to be leading the Prime Minister Julia Gillard (Labor Party) in key marginal seats.

For immigration policy, a Liberal win could lead to a smaller immigration programme but still retaining a focus on State led migration. However, this could lead to more uncertaintly in the short term while the new government settles into office.

For full details on the immigration policies of both parties see;



We'll know more on the formation of the next government by Saturday / Sunday.

Monday, 16 August 2010

UK Certificate of Approval to Marry

The new UK government have announced their intention to abolish the "Certificate of Approval to Marry" scheme.

This is the process where non UK / EU citizens need to apply for permission to marry in the UK. The Certificate of Approval scheme has been controversial since its introduction a few years back and has been subjected to much scrutiny by the courts.

The government are stating that the;

"scheme is incompatible with Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, ..... and changes made following rulings from the courts have weakened the scheme, and it is no longer an effective method of preventing sham marriage".

Although the scheme is still in operation, it will be abolished by late 2010 / early 2011 depending on how quick it can be removed through Parliament.

This is a positive development in removing a simplistic and discriminatory piece of legislation which caused more problems than it solved.

For more information, see;


Are you looking to marry in the UK ? Do you need information on a spouse visa ? then please visit;


Wednesday, 11 August 2010

South Australia Jobs ???

The Australian General Election may have led to a "caretaker" period of government with no immigration announcements but that hasn't stopped others from trying to get some publicity.

The government of South Australia has a launched a recruitment drive to attract Britons to the state with a bizarre selection of jobs, many of them which are certainly eye catching.

The jobs would be open to all those on working holiday visas.

So, if you fancy working as a beer taster or koala catcher, then maybe South Australia is for you !


Bid to lure bored Britons to South Australia




Thursday, 5 August 2010

UK visas - maintenance funds

The UK Border Agency have now introduced a review process for those whose applications were previously refused for failing to meet the maintenance funds requirement of a points-based system application.

This follows a recent court case where these rules on maintenance funds were found to be unlawful by the judge. This was on the grounds that the government’s guidance notes (requiring 3 months maintenance funds) was in direct contradiction of the relevant section of the Immigration Rules.

The government have now amended the Immigration Rules to clarify that the requirement is for 3 months evidence.

If your application was refused on these grounds, then please contact us so we can see if a review could work in your case.



Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Australian Liberal Party - immigration policies

With the General Election campaign in Australia well underway, maybe its time to take a look at the policies of the main opposition party the Liberals.

Over the last 3 years or so, we have all become accustomed to the current government's immigration policies (however mixed up they may appear) but what will happen if the Liberals form the next government ?

First on the agenda is an immediate reduction in numbers. In their election manifesto, the pledge to reduce the annual rate of net overseas migration from 298,924 in 2008-09 to a maximum of 170,000 per year by the end of the first term. They state that the intend to "Make a Clear Commitment to Skills Migration and Regional Australia". This would mean that two-thirds of the permanent migration programme will be for the purposes of skilled migration.

They also reaffirm current government policies by making strong references to reginal migration. They expressly state that states such as Queensland and WA would be able to prioritise migration.

This is an increasing trend in Australian migration - a focus on targeting specific skills with specific states.

For those of you, who are interested in reading more then please see their website for more detailed policies;


