Thursday, 26 August 2010

new UK immigration figures

The Office of National Statistics have released figures on UK immigration and they make for some interesting reading.

Overall net migration to the UK increased in 2009. Although the total number of people arriving fell by 4 % the number leaving fell by 13 %, leading to an overall net increase.

Successful applications for settlement increased by 37% between June 2009 and June 2010. The number of visas issued to students also went up by 35% to 362,015.

The figures show a fall in the number of work-related visas being issued - this is of course largely due to the recession and the weaker pound, making the UK a less attractive labour market for migrants.

So, while overall numbers of arrivals are falling, the increase in the number of student visas may lead to tougher restrictions in the future. The student entry route and then the 2 year Post Study Work visa, provides a route for many students to remain in the UK. It will be interesting to see what policy changes these figures may bring, if any.

Are you looking for a UK visa in any of the following categories; Tier 1, Tier 2, then please contact us through our website

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