Tuesday, 28 September 2010

South Australia launches State Migration

Shortly after releasing details of their occupations list for State sponsorship, South Australia is now accepting applications for State sponsorship.

This is in advance of the Minister for Immigration agreeing their State Migration Plan. This could be seen as a move to try to force the Minister to sign off their State Migration Plan quickly.

In any event, the new criteria have been launched and include some of the following;

specific English language requirements (IELTS) for certain occupations regardless of your nationality

strict financial requirements - you need to show available funds of $25,000 for a single applicant with an additional $5,000 per dependent. Each application must show an overall cash component of at least $10,000

recent work experience

South Australia has always been keen to attract migrants, however some of these requirements are stringent - especially that requiring proof of available funds held in cash funds.

We will of course bring details of the State Migration Plans of other states when launched.

If you wish to get further advice from an immigration consultant on moving to South Australia or any other state in Australia, then contact us through our website;


If you want information on Teaching in South Australia, then please see;


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